Seasons Change.
It's been a hot minute since I've posted anything on my blog, but I figured today was as good a day as any to update you all on the changes that have happened in our lives over the last couple of months. Back in July I posted on here about living intentional in a tough season and boy, oh boy do I realize now that we were only in the beginning of what would be the toughest season we've had to face yet. July was the first month that we had to do a partial rent payment so that we could afford the rest of our bills. Our savings were dried up and we had cut back on our expenses as much as possible. September, August, and October were the same. We were paying as much as we could towards rent on the 1st of each month and then paying the rest when the next payday came. We started using my credit card for gas and groceries. I applied for a few jobs that I would have had transportation to since Levi was working 40 minutes away from home and took the car Monday-Friday. Paydays were ...