
Showing posts from May, 2017

When You Get What You Asked For...In The Timing You Didn't Expect.

As of April 12, 2017, I have been a stay at home wife. Before Levi and I got married, we discussed what we wanted for our life together, including our jobs/careers. He always wanted to be the provider for the family, have a stay at home wife/mom, and I have always wanted to be that person. Let me start by saying this, no, we are not pregnant, yes, I have had people ask that since I've been "unemployed".  Me working from home has been something that Levi and I have felt for quite some time now and we know that this is the direction that God has lead us towards. We knew that my time at my previous job was going to be coming to an end, but to be honest, we expected me to still be working there at least through the month of May. We expected more time to save up as much as we could, more time to build a plan for what I would be doing once I was home full-time, and more time to figure out where we could minimize our expenses and make sacrifices in order to survive financially