There Should Be Sanctity In Marriage.
I recently read a few articles regarding Vice President Mike Pence and his decision to not dine alone with any woman who was not his wife. While I did see comments from people defending his decision, I saw more people bashing him for it and it really got me thinking. When I was a single gal who had just moved to KC to pursue a better life for myself, I made the decision to be completely, utterly, 100% single. I knew that I moved here out of obedience to what God told me to do and given my history, I understood this meant that I would need to set myself apart from any sort of relationships with the opposite sex. While I won't go into a ton of detail about that at this time, I will say this - not having one-on-one contact whether it be face-to-face, through social media or through text message with anybody of the opposite sex (with the exception of pastors, leaders, or family members) was the best decision I ever made. No, I didn't shun guys who tried to talk to me. I was st...