Hi, My Name Is Shannae And I Am Addicted To Food.
We've all heard it before, "the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem." Well, that's what I'm doing. I've finally admitted it, to myself, to my husband, even to our dog. I have an addiction to food. Some of you may think this is silly, weird, or just plain stupid, and I get that. I thought it was stupid too when the thought popped into my head about writing a post regarding my eating habits. But it's really not. Today's culture is all about image. We are constantly judged, mocked, laughed at, etc. when it comes to what our bodies look like. I don't feel the need to elaborate on this, it's everywhere, we all know what I'm talking about. But let me tell you about my story with food. As far back as I can remember, one of my longest running habits is eating when I'm bored. That's right, not because I'm hungry, but because I am BORED. I know I'm not alone here because I've seen this trend in my fa...