
Showing posts from 2023

Aspen Jade O'Brien

It's taken me over a year to finally write this all out. Maybe it's because I've been busy raising two children. Maybe it's because in the past year we went through some life changes and a move. Or, maybe it's because what I'm about to share was far and away the most traumatic experience I've ever been through and it's taken this long for me to be comfortable enough to finally share. And maybe it's because nobody ever wants to hear about these kinds of birth stories. People want to hear the stories where everything was perfect and blissful and nothing went wrong. People with birth stories like mine are told to keep our mouths shut because "you'll scare moms-to-be and they don't need that kind of negativity before giving birth for the first time". My intentions with sharing my experience are 1. for my own sake, to continue processing my experience and to be able to fully heal from it and 2. to validate any other mom out there who has...