
Aspen Jade O'Brien

It's taken me over a year to finally write this all out. Maybe it's because I've been busy raising two children. Maybe it's because in the past year we went through some life changes and a move. Or, maybe it's because what I'm about to share was far and away the most traumatic experience I've ever been through and it's taken this long for me to be comfortable enough to finally share. And maybe it's because nobody ever wants to hear about these kinds of birth stories. People want to hear the stories where everything was perfect and blissful and nothing went wrong. People with birth stories like mine are told to keep our mouths shut because "you'll scare moms-to-be and they don't need that kind of negativity before giving birth for the first time". My intentions with sharing my experience are 1. for my own sake, to continue processing my experience and to be able to fully heal from it and 2. to validate any other mom out there who has...

Asa James O'Brien

I want to preface this by saying, if you are uncomfortable talking about/seeing labor and birth and anything of the like, you probably shouldn't read this. I'm not going to get crazy and show the world my business but I am going to post a few pictures from when I was in labor and when my son was born.  It's been eight months since Asa was born. I can't believe it. But I want to take some time and go back to 8 months and 2 days ago.  October 24, 2018. 40 weeks, 4 days pregnant.  1:00AM I began having period like cramps. They started out mild so we turned a movie on and I tried to get some sleep. I wasn't able to get comfortable enough to get real sleep as the cramping was happening about every five minutes.  5:30AM After having period like cramps and not getting much rest, I began having actual contractions that were 4-5 minutes apart.  7:30AM Levi called the on-call midwife and she advised that we come in for a check up.  8:20AM I was h...

Nothing Is Impossible With God...Unless You Make It Impossible.

Happy Valentine's Day! I LOVE this day. But maybe not for the reason you think.  Four years ago today, I packed up my belongings and moved to Kansas City. I had been living in Manhattan, KS, going to school, pursuing a degree in Interior Design, and living a completely miserable life. If you know me or have read any of my previous posts, you know that I grew up in church. You also know that after I graduated high school my life began a downward spiral and I was on the fast track to depression. I'll spare you the details, but if you want to know, check out the rest of my blog posts.  On January 27, 2014, six days after the worst birthday of my life, my 21st, I found myself crying in my bedroom. I was depressed, lonely, and miserable. At this point in my life, I believed in God, but I didn't know Him or really care. Then I picked my head up off my pillow, wiped my puffy eyes, and looked across my room at my bookshelf. Crazy Love by Francis Chan caught my eye. My b...

Hi, My Name Is Shannae And I Am Addicted To Food.

We've all heard it before, "the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem." Well, that's what I'm doing. I've finally admitted it, to myself, to my husband, even to our dog. I have an addiction to food.  Some of you may think this is silly, weird, or just plain stupid, and I get that. I thought it was stupid too when the thought popped into my head about writing a post regarding my eating habits. But it's really not. Today's culture is all about image. We are constantly judged, mocked, laughed at, etc. when it comes to what our bodies look like. I don't feel the need to elaborate on this, it's everywhere, we all know what I'm talking about. But let me tell you about my story with food. As far back as I can remember, one of my longest running habits is eating when I'm bored. That's right, not because I'm hungry, but because I am BORED. I know I'm not alone here because I've seen this trend in my fa...

Seasons Change.

It's been a hot minute since I've posted anything on my blog, but I figured today was as good a day as any to update you all on the changes that have happened in our lives over the last couple of months. Back in July I posted on here about living intentional in a tough season and boy, oh boy do I realize now that we were only in the beginning of what would be the toughest season we've had to face yet. July was the first month that we had to do a partial rent payment so that we could afford the rest of our bills. Our savings were dried up and we had cut back on our expenses as much as possible. September, August, and October were the same. We were paying as much as we could towards rent on the 1st of each month and then paying the rest when the next payday came. We started using my credit card for gas and groceries. I applied for a few jobs that I would have had transportation to since Levi was working 40 minutes away from home and took the car Monday-Friday. Paydays were ...

I Married The Jesus Camp Kid.

August 20, 2016. Exactly one year ago today I married my best friend, Levi.  Some of you may know, others may not, but when Levi was 12 years old he was featured in a documentary titled Jesus Camp. Before we officially started dating back in June of 2015, I watched this documentary. For me, it was mostly just to see what Levi looked like back then, what he acted like, and to see how much he had changed over the years. It was comical to me seeing 12 year old Levi wearing over-sized t-shirts and sporting a rat-tail.  If you have seen this documentary or heard reviews about it, you've probably heard more negative than positive. I've heard it described as being a cult, brainwashing innocent children, and being child abuse. I've seen countless reviews, articles, and posts about it online talking about "these poor children." I've also come across memes made from clips from the documentary that are interesting, to say the least. Most people make remarks about hop...