The Preface.

This blog has been a long-time coming, but now is the time for me to take a step and move toward my passion; becoming a writer. I have felt that writing is something God specifically placed within my being when He created me and I don't want it to be all for not. 

What is the purpose for my blog, you ask? Well, let me tell you. I don't know everything, in fact, I probably don't know much of anything. I do know that I love writing. I love a good joke. Laughing and smiling are my favorite and I appreciate a good sense of humor. I love listening when others need an ear. I love speaking of personal experiences and voicing my opinion when acceptable. I love talking about the things of God and communicating to others about what I feel God is telling me, or what He is working on inside of me. 

Let me tell you a little bit about myself...

I was born and raised in small-town Southwest Kansas, but I felt a yearning to live in a city my whole life. Now that I look back, I realize that most of my yearning probably came from the fact that there is nothing to do in the middle of nowhere. 
I had a good life. My parents did the best with what they knew, and I love them endlessly for the life and love that they gave me. Things were far from perfect, but I never had a lack of parental love, and for that, I am grateful. 
In my blended family, I am the youngest of six children. I was (my siblings would tell you, I still am) very spoiled and I was a terror if I didn't get my way. Of course, that was when I was very young and things have since changed.
I love my family and I am thankful for the dysfunction that I grew up in. My childhood prepared and set me up for the life I am living now. Without my experiences in my younger years, I would not be where or who I am today. I believe that everything in my life, whether it was by my choices, or the choices of those around me, was perfectly orchestrated so that my story would be exactly what the world needs it to be. 
I grew up in a "Christian" home, was part of a church-going family, and believed that if I was bad I would die and go to Hell. That may sound harsh, but it was my reality. Do this, don't do that. Needless to say, I was living in bondage and chains from what religion taught me. This resulted in living a double life as I got into late middle school and went through college. 
Promiscuity, rebellion, deception, and victimization were my life. I created the person that I wanted to be and lived that life outside of my family and church members. Around my family, I was innocent as a dove. 
I attended and graduated community college, then moved on to a university three months after graduation. 
I am a college dropout, and I wear that title proudly because of what it means to me and the story of my life. 
I spent five months at Kansas State University. These five months were the worst months of my, then, 20 years of life. I was a lost soul looking for acceptance in all the wrong places. I ended up losing the friends that I did have and I was too locked up to let anyone new in. I was a wanderer that chased after anything and everything which ultimately left me bruised, broken, and shattered. 
It was in these five months that I felt God calling me back to Him. I ignored His voice, I ignored the pulling, and I wanted nothing to do with God because I thought it was His fault that my life was trash. Then, in a moment of complete darkness and being so far at the bottom of the barrel, I surrendered all that I was, all that I had, and all that I wanted. God grabbed hold of me, and almost two years later, He still hasn't let go. 

So, again, you ask what the purpose of my blog is. The purpose is this: sharing my walk with God in the anticipation that I can bring the hope, freedom, joy, and life that God has brought me. 


  1. This is great, Shannae! Thanks for letting others into your life. You will, (and do!) bring light, hope and laughter.


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