
Showing posts from 2017

Seasons Change.

It's been a hot minute since I've posted anything on my blog, but I figured today was as good a day as any to update you all on the changes that have happened in our lives over the last couple of months. Back in July I posted on here about living intentional in a tough season and boy, oh boy do I realize now that we were only in the beginning of what would be the toughest season we've had to face yet. July was the first month that we had to do a partial rent payment so that we could afford the rest of our bills. Our savings were dried up and we had cut back on our expenses as much as possible. September, August, and October were the same. We were paying as much as we could towards rent on the 1st of each month and then paying the rest when the next payday came. We started using my credit card for gas and groceries. I applied for a few jobs that I would have had transportation to since Levi was working 40 minutes away from home and took the car Monday-Friday. Paydays were ...

I Married The Jesus Camp Kid.

August 20, 2016. Exactly one year ago today I married my best friend, Levi.  Some of you may know, others may not, but when Levi was 12 years old he was featured in a documentary titled Jesus Camp. Before we officially started dating back in June of 2015, I watched this documentary. For me, it was mostly just to see what Levi looked like back then, what he acted like, and to see how much he had changed over the years. It was comical to me seeing 12 year old Levi wearing over-sized t-shirts and sporting a rat-tail.  If you have seen this documentary or heard reviews about it, you've probably heard more negative than positive. I've heard it described as being a cult, brainwashing innocent children, and being child abuse. I've seen countless reviews, articles, and posts about it online talking about "these poor children." I've also come across memes made from clips from the documentary that are interesting, to say the least. Most people make remarks about hop...

Living Intentional In A Tough Season.

In my last post here, I made the announcement that I was no longer working a regular job and was working on building my own business. It has now been three months since I stopped working a job and began working for myself. I wish I could tell you all that business has been booming but I'd be lying. Starting a business is hard work. It's not easy to get your name out there, and it's not easy to actually get started when you don't have the means to do so. These last three months have been the most difficult season for Levi and I. Our marriage is great, there aren't any issues there, and we have almost made it through our first year of marriage,  but financially we have been hit pretty hard. So far, we have survived. We aren't dead. We aren't starving. We aren't homeless.  Making the decision to quit my job was a joint one. We thought long and hard about it, we prayed about it, and we both felt confident that was what we were supposed to do. My job was...

When You Get What You Asked For...In The Timing You Didn't Expect.

As of April 12, 2017, I have been a stay at home wife. Before Levi and I got married, we discussed what we wanted for our life together, including our jobs/careers. He always wanted to be the provider for the family, have a stay at home wife/mom, and I have always wanted to be that person. Let me start by saying this, no, we are not pregnant, yes, I have had people ask that since I've been "unemployed".  Me working from home has been something that Levi and I have felt for quite some time now and we know that this is the direction that God has lead us towards. We knew that my time at my previous job was going to be coming to an end, but to be honest, we expected me to still be working there at least through the month of May. We expected more time to save up as much as we could, more time to build a plan for what I would be doing once I was home full-time, and more time to figure out where we could minimize our expenses and make sacrifices in order to survive financially...

There Should Be Sanctity In Marriage.

I recently read a few articles regarding Vice President Mike Pence and his decision to not dine alone with any woman who was not his wife. While I did see comments from people defending his decision, I saw more people bashing him for it and it really got me thinking.  When I was a single gal who had just moved to KC to pursue a better life for myself, I made the decision to be completely, utterly, 100% single. I knew that I moved here out of obedience to what God told me to do and given my history, I understood this meant that I would need to set myself apart from any sort of relationships with the opposite sex. While I won't go into a ton of detail about that at this time, I will say this - not having one-on-one contact whether it be face-to-face, through social media or through text message with anybody of the opposite sex (with the exception of pastors, leaders, or family members) was the best decision I ever made. No, I didn't shun guys who tried to talk to me. I was st...


February 14, 2014. This day will forever be on my list of favorite memories. Also on my list of most nerve-racking memories.  On this particular day, I was packing and loading all of my belongings into my bright red, two-door, Pontiac Grand Prix. I was leaving the home I had known for the previous six months of my life, just outside of Manhattan, KS. Two weeks before, I formally withdrew from Kansas State University, to pick up my entire life and move to Kansas City.  Every Valentine's Day, including this one, for the majority of my teen years, had been the most bitter days I've ever experienced. I remember being upset when I didn't have "the one" special Valentine to spend this "holiday" with. I would be disgusted by all of the mushy posts on social media. I hated all of the stores leading up to this day with their flowers, stuffed animals, and chocolates. I avoided any and all shows or movies that had one bit of romance in them. I couldn't ...